This degree provides an extensive knowledge in the field of astronomy, as well as physics and mathematics. It aims to develop knowledge that can be used in the working world in areas where survey methods and specific knowledge of astronomical research are relevant.
Teaching Methods
The course of study is divided into two cycles: the first consists of the Bachelor degree, which provides a solid foundation in mathematics and physics, as well as the basics of astronomy and astrophysics. Study continues with the Master degree, which specifically addresses the various topics of modern astrophysics.
The degree is extensive and complex, and is divided into lectures in the classrooms of the University of Padua and practical training in the laboratories of physics, optics, and computer science in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and with use of the telescopes at the Astrophysical Observatory of Asiago.
Career Opportunities
After completing the Master degree, you can pursue a PhD and a career in research, which is the main outlet for those who choose to study astronomy. The main topics of research in astronomy carried out in the Department are: theoretical and observational cosmology, galaxy clusters and distant galaxies, galaxies, active galactic nuclei, open and globular star clusters, variable stars, novae and supernovae, theoretical models of the structure and evolution of stars, asteroids, solar system bodies, and extra-solar planets.
For those who decide not to pursue a career in research, you can enter the working world in all areas where the knowledge typical of an astronomer is important: information technology and computing, optical industry and space, telecommunications, and more generally all sectors that require the processing and analysis of images. Other outlets are represented by the teaching of mathematics and physics in secondary schools and higher as well as the work of astronomical information and scientific publishing.
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