The Physics degree offers students insight and knowledge of the relevant facts of the physical world around us, with attention to the various levels in which they occur (classical everyday physics, atomic physics, condensed matter physics, and nuclear physics). This understanding will be based on experimental phenomenology and a profound use of modeling and physical-mathematical tools, including digital techniques. The most important physical theories will be taught in terms of logical and mathematical structure, experimental evidence, and subsequent modeling of physical phenomena.
The Master Degree offers two curricula: one theoretical model and one experimental in the areas of Theoretical Physics, Nuclear and Sub-nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmic Physics, Electronics, and Biophysics. In all cases students will be able to experience the research frontier that characterizes the current development of this science with the experimental problems related to it.
Subjects of Study
The Degree in Physics delves into the basic building blocks of modern physics (general physics, atomic and molecular physics, solid state physics, and physics of nuclear and elementary particles), the basic building blocks of theoretical physics such as analytical, statistical, and quantum mechanics; mathematical methods and numerical calculation for physics. The Master's Degree provides the opportunity for students to further investigate specific areas of physics such as biophysics, astrophysics, electronics, nuclear physics, structure of matter, and theoretical physics. The curriculum also provides direct laboratory experience, including computer techniques for calculating and analyzing data.
It is possible to continue study at the Graduate School in Physics for opportunities in scientific research at the University as well as public and private research agencies.
After the Master Degree you can also continue study with the School for Teaching, a specialist Masters in Applied Optics and Design microelectronics, or the course for teachers in methodology and didactics of physics.
Teaching Methods
Study for the Bachelor Degree is implemented through separate teaching units (consisting of two-thirds theory and one-third exercises) and laboratory courses. The duration of the training modules goes from a minimum of 32 hours to a maximum of 64 hours, which is carried out over a period of two to three months; these courses are grouped into cycles separated by a period reserved for two examination sessions for each course. Teaching is complemented by progress assessments and tutorial activities conducive to the conclusion of the studies within the stipulated time.
Learning Objectives
- Provide a good theoretical knowledge of the laws of Classical Physics and Modern Physics
- Ensure practical experience of measurement with modern equipment and an understanding of the measured value
- Provide the ability to choose and use the appropriate experimental methods depending on the goals to be achieved
- Provide a solid understanding of the structure of computers and networks and the ability to collect and analyze data
- Ensure adequate training in mathematics
Career Opportunities
Graduates in Physics can find employment in any technological field, such as industries that use innovative technologies, manufacturing, businesses that rely on innovation or that require capacity modeling and simulation of processes or even of 'market trends with the tasks of analysis and verification (Radiation Protection, Environment, Electronics and Microelectronics, Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Computer Networks and Data Analysis, ...).
Access to Degree Courses
The degree program does not have limited enrollment but includes a mandatory assessment test to assess the candidate's knowledge and any additional learning requirements of mathematics that must be satisfied before enrollment of the first year of the degree, otherwise the student cannot enroll in the second year of the undergraduate degree in Physics.
The Master degree does not have limited enrollment either, and there is direct access from the Bachelor Degree in Physics from the University of Padua, as long as a certain grade is achieved in the undergraduate program. For graduates in Physics from other universities or for graduates in other scientific subjects, a verification of entry requirements is needed.
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